Monday, January 14, 2013

WW Friday Favorites (a little late)

I promised to post my favorite weight watchers recipes on Fridays, and here I am on Monday of week two and still haven't posted. Unfortunately, that is par for the course for what my second week of weight watchers has been. The second week is always the hardest. The motivation is beginning to be replaced by pure hunger. I know if I were diligent and ate veggies, I theoretically should never be hungry on this plan...but man, I hate veggies.

Here are the recipes I have loved so far.

This stuff is heaven. Chicken Alfredo is probably one of my favorite meals. She's a little more ambitious than I am because I used a jar of lite Alfredo sauce instead of making my own giving me a little more points but less headache. With my substitution, it was 12 pts. per serving and serves 4. Not bad for a quick weeknight meal.

Oh, Emilybites, you have done it again. This didn't even taste like diet food. Actually, looking at this picture again makes me want to put it on the list for this week. I could definitely eat this two weeks in a row. I made this recipe as stated but added in some chili powder and cumin for some kick. (We really like spicy food around here) This recipe feeds 6 at just 7pt+ per serving. So so so good!!! 

That's it folks! Hopefully this week will be a little better and I can post my Friday Favorites on time. 

1 comment:

  1. These sound so tasty, I wish there were more fun WW recipes for vegetarians!
