Thursday, September 12, 2013

Football season is back! Alabama printable

It's the most wonderful time of the year. Football season is back in the South! Normally, I would have already had our home decked out in crimson and houndstooth, but since we are getting our house ready to put on the market, the Realtor has us "de-personalizing" our house.

I just couldn't go through football season without all the pomp and circumstance, so I packed some of it up and brought it to work. This is the first time that I can actually proudly display my school memorabilia because for the last 6 years I have worked for a different school. They don't really look too highly upon you hanging up other school's stuff in your office in the recruiting department.

I took a quick minute on my lunch break earlier this week to create this printable. It's formatted for an 8x10 frame. You can download it here.

More updates on project Sell This House soon!