Thursday, March 29, 2012

Chevron Obsession

I love chevron prints. What's not to love about the crisp zigzags and fun colors?? I am trying to figure out where to incorporate a chevron pattern into my craft room make over without going overboard. Here are a few of my inspirations:
This BEAUTIFUL chair is a makeover from The House of Wood. I am still needing to recover the chair that I have with my awesome new desk from my last post so maybe a pretty turquoise chevron??
Or these AWESOME Ombre Chevron Curtians by r these AWESOME Ombre Chevron Curtians by By Nancy of Owen's Olivia (found on I could totally do these in pink to go with my gray walls!

Even this pink chevron rug from Apartment Therapy

Ahhhhh sooo many options! What are your favorite ways to use chevron?

1 comment:

  1. I love chevron too! I can't wait to see how you incorporate it into your craft room...maybe your chevron will become part of my inspiration :)

    amy @
