Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Chalk Paint Table Redo

Every now and then you run across a deal you just can't pass up. That was the story with this side table that I can across for $5 while on a day trip with my mom and her friend. 2013-03-30 14.42.55We were driving down the road and I saw this little guy sitting outside of a Goodwill on the side of the road and I had to stop to see the price tag. When I saw it was only $5, how could I not buy it?? I loaded him up and brought him home with me. This little table doesn't match any of our other furniture and I still haven't quite figured out where to put him but I knew he had potential.

I drug out my trusty chalk paint and gave the base a good healthy 2 coats of off white. (Yes, in the living room, DH was less than thrilled to come home and find me painting on the new flooring)

2013-04-01 19.23.29Then I waxed it with Amber wax and stripped the varnish off of the top.

2013-04-01 19.06.53

And sanded...and sanded...and sanded. Titan stood guard.

2013-05-25 12.27.11

For the top, I used a minwax stain with the poly built in. I would probably opt for a separate stain and poly next time. It was tough to get an even coat that wasn't sticky.

I hope this piece inspires you to stop next time you see a 90's outdated table on the side of the road. With a little love and some paint, you can give it a whole new life!


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