Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Just for a Laugh

So as most of you know, my "real job" is in college recruiting. Basically, I go around to high schools and talk students into coming to the university that I work for. You would be surprised at the things high schoolers (and some parents) say...Here are a few of my favorites from this year:

Student: I want to major in Anthropology
Me: Well what do you want to do with Anthropology?
Student: (Blank Stare)
Me: Do you know what Anthropology is?
Student: No, I just like the store...
Me: Well in my Anthropology class we studied insestious tribes in third world countries, so it's really nothing like the store

Student: You got hair?
Me: You mean cosmetology?
Student: What's that?

(at a fair in TX)
Parent: Do TX students get instate tuition?
Me: No mam, Texas students would be considered out-of-state in Alabama.
Parent: Well I thought schools gave in-state tuition to states boardering their state...
Me: mam, Texas doesn't boarder Alabama.
Parent (obviously embarrassed): Texas touches everything!

Student: Do you make toys here?
Me: No, we make rockets.

Student: A school in Alabama?? What do you learn there? Hunting?
Me: No, more like Aerospace Engineering
Student: What's that? Like flying planes and S!
Me: No, like Rocket Science

Student: I'm sorry for the messy handwriting, it's really tiring walking around all day with this ankle bracelet on.

Me: Hi! Do you have any questions for me?
Student: Yeah, do your football jerseys have numbers or names on the back?
Me: We don't have a football team.
Student: Oh, nevermind, I'm not going here then.

Hope you have enjoyed these! I could tell you stories for days, but for now I'll let you keep some hope in the next generation :)


  1. OMG! I'm investing in a retirement package today! ROFLMAO - isn't education inspiring?!

  2. haha @lost, that's probably a great idea

  3. These are sooo funny! I hope you're collecting everything you hear, you could write a great book!!

  4. Over,this is too funny! Both my husband and mother worked for school systems as teachers, and they would keep me "rolling" with their stories..

  5. Having one son in college and two more in high school, I hope I never hear anything like that from them. Too FUNNY!

  6. LOL. anthropology/anthropologie... I am going to be repeating that little tidbit A LOT.

  7. Out of the mouths of babes, we're in trouble for the next generation.


    They don't make 'em like they used to, do they?

  8. OMG, these are all absolutely HYSTERICAL!!! LOL Are you able to keep a straight face during these types of conversations, or do you lose it right in front of them?! LOL

  9. OH man! my bff did art admissions and it drove her up the wall! She only lasted 2 years and by the second she was not in good form..

  10. lol...I am sure you are frustrated by alot of these kids!!

  11. Bookmarking for those days I need a laugh! hahahaah!

  12. First of all your blog design is absolutely adorable! Thanks for sharing such funny stories! I really needed a good laugh! I am your newest follower =)

  13. thanks for all the comments! I am glad you all enjoyed!

    to answer Lori - I've been doing this for 3 years so I've learned to keep a straight face... the "Do you make toys?" got me though, what does it look like, Santa's workshop???

  14. hilarious! I learnt how ankle bracelets may affect some of us:))
