Tuesday, October 18, 2011

New House Make-Over

My husband and I recently bought a house and have been working hard to make it our own. Here are a few rooms we have finally finished! For you readers, I would never suggest getting married and buying your first house all in the same two weeks! Life. Is. Crazy. Hectic!!

***EDIT*** My walls aren't NEAR as yellow as they appear in the photos :)

Before Living Room:

AFTER Living Room!

and my personal favorite change....

Dining Room Before
Dining Room AFTER

Thanks in advance for the comments!!!


  1. Wow, you did a lovely job!! Your living room is almost the same as my kitchen.

  2. You've been busy! It all looks fabulous!

  3. Beautiful! My walls ARE that yellow... Love bright color!

  4. That is such an exciting time, your rooms look lovely.

  5. Congratulations on your new home and making it your own. Lovely!

  6. Wow! That's a lot to take on all at once! I've heard it said that if a marriage can survive re-doing a house, it can survive anything. So, I would say y'all are off to a great start!
    - Sharon (RomanticThoughts)

  7. amazing job!!! it looks like way too much organizing and cleaning up for me :P

  8. Love the colors! So bright and cheerful! Great job and congratulations on your marriage and house ownership!

  9. thanks for posting your wonderful photos! I love looking at how people decorate, you did a great job. My favorite websites: www.dwellgawker.com www.designsponge.com www.houzz.com

  10. Oh I love the redo. What a great space!

  11. Wow, your rooms look so much brighter and hipper! I love it!

  12. AMAZING! You definitely added some color and brightness to the room which is great! Looks open and airy.

  13. The dining room looks particularly well improved! Well done - especially given the timeframe and circumstances!

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