Monday, July 30, 2012

Color Run - Louisville, KY

This weekend I was able to check something off of my bucket list. I completed my first 5K. I had seen pictures of The Color Run and thought it looked like sooooo much fun so I gathered Megan, a friend from work and made the 5 hour drive from Huntsville, AL to Louisville, KY to join a team with Jessi, an old college friend.

Let me start by saying I am NOT a runner. I don't think I could run around the block, much less 3.2 miles. My husband and I take our two dogs on walk around the neighborhood a few times a week and that's about it. It was definitely tough, and there were times where I seriously contemplated just switching lanes and cheating, but I'm glad I didn't. If you've never done a 5K, this is definitely one to start with. It's very family friendly, there were people pulling kids in wagons. (Wish someone would have pulled me in a wagon) And as the website says, this is the "Happiest 5K on the planet"

Here is our team, The Pigment Princesses" before:
All pretty and clean, right? Not for long!

Every half mile or so there was a different "color station" where volunteers would throw colored corn starch at you. This is why my husband did not particapte. He said he wasn't paying to run and have people throw stuff at him haha.

This is what it looks like inside the color storm. That's me in the hat. One suggtion, close your mouth. The first time I was all smiley and excited...I think I still taste cornstarch.

The blue was my favorite. This pic was taken by another girl on our team but I just loved Jessi's expression.

And finally, the finish line! I made it!
And here is my after picture. It really was a lot of fun. I would definitely recommend it for those intimidated by 5Ks. Another perk is they always donate proceedes to LOCAL chairities. Can't beat that! (And you get a pretty cool t-shirt)

Have you run the Color Run? I'd love to hear your stories!!


  1. My sister actually completed the Color Run in Louisville and was doing it in a tutu with her friends as well. How ironic.

  2. Small world! I only knew 2 of the girls I ran with so she could have even been in my group!
