Monday, February 27, 2012

Weight Watchers Green Onion Dip 1pt+

Ok, I have a serious addiction to chips and dip. This has been my biggest challenge while starting Weight Watchers. I've never really been a sweets fan but when it comes to giving up chips and dip (or bread) I struggle. Yesterday while grocery shopping I had an idea. What if I used fat free sour cream and mixed it with a powdered dip packet?!? Out came my iPhone with my trusty weight watchers scanner. Hidden Valley Dip Mix- Garden Green Onion- 0 points plus! Score!!!
Mix with 16 oz of Fat Free Sour Cream - 1pt+ per 2 tablespoons!
Now just add Special K Multi-Grain Crackers in place of chips (you can have 24 of them for 3 pt+, that's more than plenty!)
What an excellent way to spend 4 points!!

Friday, February 24, 2012


Hey guys, if you happen to get directed to this page, this blog has moved HERE! Thank you!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Free Craft Room Printable

I am currently in the middle of doing a craft room makeover. We have been in our house for six months now and the white walls and stuff thrown everywhere in the craft room is starting to get to me. It is very hard to get my creative juices flowing in that environment. I am loving the printable I am seeing everywhere that are very print and frame worthy but I have yet to find one to go in my craft room. Yesterday while surfing the web for one, I had a revelation. "Amanda, your background is in Advertising and Design, make your own!" So I did just that! I have added a few in different colors and uploaded them for you to download. This is my first one but I foresee several in my future!
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Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Printable - Craft Room

I am currently in the middle of doing a craft room makeover. We have been in our house for six months now and the white walls and stuff thrown everywhere in the craft room is starting to get to me. It is very hard to get my creative juices flowing in that environment. I am loving the printable I am seeing everywhere that are very print and frame worthy but I have yet to find one to go in my craft room. Yesterday while surfing the web for one, I had a revelation. "Amanda, your background is in Advertising and Design, make your own!" So I did just that! I have added a few in different colors and uploaded them for you to download. This is my first one but I foresee several in my future!
Linked up at

Monday, February 20, 2012

I pinned it, I made it! Recipes!

As a newlywed, I'm always looking for new recipes to make me look (and feel) domestic. You ladies know how it is in the beginning, you always feel like you should have dinner on the table when your husband gets home and it should always be something new and exciting. Well, I'm a SUPER pickey eater. Most five year olds eat better than I do so sometimes finding something new that we both like is quite challenging. Pintrest is my new favorite source of recipes. I put this one in the crock-pot last week. It's finally cold enough here in Alabama to eat this kind of food. Check it out because it is definitely my favorite so far!

Chicken and Dumplings by BackToTheCuttingBoard

Holy Cow! I can't say enough about these! I don't even eat chicken and dumplings but these are quite possibly one of my new favorite things! I didn't make any changes to this one, it was PERFECT as is!

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Monday, February 13, 2012

Pintrest Project: Burlap Wall Art

It's been a while..I know. Life has gotten so crazy here lately. We have been super swamped and short handed at my day job lately so I haven't had time to be all crafty and bloggy lately.

Today I want to share with you a project for my bathroom redesign. I followed this tutorial by Love of Family and Home.

Step 1: Find an old outdated mirror or picture frame. I got mine from a local thrift store. It was a faded brass mirror. I could smack myself for not taking a before picture.

Step 2. Take it apart and paint it with good ole spray paint. My current favorite is Krylon in Matte White.

Step 3: Cut your fabric (I used burlap) to match the cardboard backing of your frame. Hot glue the edges into place and reattach the backing to the frame.

Step 4: Paint your letter to match the frame. You could also cover your letter with a pretty patterned fabric, but for my bathroom decor, I decided just to paint it white.

Step 5: Hot glue the letter to the fabric and let dry.

Here's my finished product!
I love love love how it turned out but I may find a new home for it. I feel like it gets lost against the wall color. What do you think?