Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Early Birthday Present = More DIY projects!

This weekend I got an early birthday present from my mom. I got this!

My husband pokes fun at me sometimes because I had rather use power tools than a sewing machine. Maybe I'm a tomboy at heart, or maybe it's because I've fallen in love with http://www.ana-white.com (or maybe it's because I STINK at sewing) but none the less, I love the smell of sawdust and I love the end product.

I have been wanting some power tools ever since my FIL and I built a bench for my back patio (I have yet to post about it...slacker, I know) I really went back and forth between a circular saw and a jigsaw but finally settled on a circular saw. The drawback with a circular saw is that you can only cut a straight line which rules out making those cute decorative picture frames, but the drawback with a jig saw is that you can only cut to a depth of 1 inch.

I have so many projects that I want to do that I don't even know where to start!
I am thinking about starting with this one from Country Girl Home
Or maybe with this coffee table from Pink and Polka Dot that I've had my eye on.
Hers is a refinished one but I could do this Ana-White.com plan and add decorative legs and paint it with these colors to match the desk I refinished.
Hopefully in the next couple of weekends I'll be able to start one of these! I can't wait! 
Do you have any favorite power tool projects? I'd love to hear about them! I'm always looking for ideas!


  1. I don't see a picture of your present :( What is it?

  2. Oh no! I'll have to work on that. It is a skill saw so I can make a table!
