Tuesday, January 7, 2014

...and then there were three

It's been a little while. I didn't even get a single Christmas post out. With our house STILL for sale, my Christmas decor was minimal so I didn't have much to post. This Christmas was a little different for us, I didn't break out any fancy recipes, actually, I hardly cooked at all. You see, I've been sick a lot lately, but not without good reason...

We are excited to announce that we will be welcoming our first child July 2014!

We are excited, nervous, and incredibly grateful all at the same time. If you read our story back in August, you will understand just how much of a miracle this little blessing is. (EDIT: I just noticed the date of this linked post, I didn't even know that I was actually pregnant while writing it!) In April of 2013 we were told that I didn't ovulate and began fertility treatment. After suffering from an ectopic pregnancy in August, we were going to wait six months until we started back with the treatment. To our surprise, two months later by the Grace of God, we conceived naturally. I've been sick a lot but it reminds me that baby Adams is still there, growing and with a strong heartbeat. Every passing day is a small victory and we can't wait to meet baby Adams in July!