I have poured over photos of DIY landscaping for about a week and have come up with a few inspiration pieces.
We have a few "ground rules" (pun intended)
1. Must be low maintenance. (due to said black thumb and the fact that I'm not going to remember to water them)
2. Anything planted must be perennial. We can't drop extensive amounts of cash on our beds every year.
3. Must be able to survive full sunlight and crazy Alabama heat.
I am definitely open to suggestions from any of you who garden. We are completely new at this!
I LOVE what Sara from The Yellow Cape Cod did with her front flowerbeds.
I'm also loving black mulch and how it makes the colors of the shrubs and other plants pop. Isn't this lovely from Dana at Housetweaking?
...... just kidding.....
Hydrangeas have always been my favorite. If only they weren't so hard to take care of... (marthastewart.com)
A rose tree could be pretty between our windows... (pic from brighterblooms.com)
I love the bright colors in this flowerbed (Ronamag)

Simple and clean. (Savyseasons)